I was receiving public assistance in the form of food stamps along with my spouse for less then a year; however, we failed to report all our income. My spouse and I were charged with felony Welfare and Institutions Code Section 10980 [W &I] [Aid by Misrepresentation over $400.00] and three counts of Penal Code Section 118 (a) [perjury by false application for aid]. We were looking at over 5 years in prison for these offenses. We hired Mr. Bruzzo because of his past case results, his knowledge of the courts and his familiarity with the District Attorney on this matter. On the second court date Mr. Bruzzo got the District Attorney to DISMISS the case and all the charges for both of us, with restitution and DNA. We are very happy with this result and we would highly recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any welfare fraud or criminal matter. Date: 2/25/14