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Hit and Run

I was charged with Hit and Run with injury under Vehicle Section 20002(a); I was facing up to 1 year in custody with this offense. I was especially concerned with the effect this charge might have on my record since I am highly educated and do not want any sort of criminal matter to hinder my career. To make matters worse, there were three people in the car who all claimed injury. I found Mr. Will Bruzzo on the internet and I hired him to represent me. Mr. Bruzzo started out by communicating with the California Highway Patrol. He then went to court for me and began negotiating with the Judge and the District Attorney. In the end despite the fact the victims claimed a total of $23,000.00 in bodily injuries and $6,000.00 in property damages Mr. Bruzzo was able to get the Judge to agree to civil compromise the matter where the criminal matter was DISMISSED and the payment by my insurance company was deemed full compensation to the victims and the thus the criminal case was converted to a civil matter. This is an excellent result since I will not have a criminal record. In addition, because the case was dismissed, I am now entitled to have my court records SEALED. I am very happy with the result here and I would enthusiastically recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any Hit and Run matter. Dated: August 10, 2020


I was charged with Vehicle Code Section 20002(a), Hit and Run. I was involved in an accident and I did not stop to exchange information. I attend a prestigious university and I was concerned how this might effect my future. My family hired Attorney Will Bruzzo to represent me because of his past case results for Hit and Run, Vehicle Code Section 20002(a). My case was made more difficult because I admitted to knowing about the accident and leaving the scene. Mr. Bruzzo negotiated with the District Attorney and showed my lack of a record and my successful academic career. After I gave DNA and showed Restitution the case was DISMISSED. I never pled guilty and I never had to attend a class. I am very happy with this result and I would enthusiastically recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any Hit and Run, Vehicle Code Section 20002(a) case. Dated: 12/16/19


I was charged with Hit and Run [Vehicle Code Section 20002(a)] after having a vehicle accident and leaving the scene without exchanging information with the other side. This charge could have had repercussions for my job. I hired Attorney Will Bruzzo to represent me because of his experience with hit and run cases. Mr. Bruzzo negotiated with the District Attorney. He got the case DISMISSED after I completed community service and gave DNA. I never pled guilty and I never attended a class. I am very grateful to Mr. Bruzzo and I would recommend him for any hit and run [Vehicle Code Section 20002(a)] case. Dated: 11/10/19


I was charged with Hit and Run with Injury under Vehicle Code Section 20001(a). I struck a pedestrian and left the scene without contacting the police or speaking with the person I stuck. Later the police determined I had committed the crime and contacted me. I was unrepresented and made a full confession. Later, I hired Attorney Will Bruzzo to represent me. Mr. Bruzzo made several appearances in court without me and managed to get the District Attorney to agree to DISMISS the case once I attended a class and gave DNA. I am very happy with this result as I will avoid a conviction and 1 year license suspension. I recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any Hit and Run with injury under Vehicle Code Section 20001(a) matter. Dated: 7/22/19


I was charged with Hit and Run with Injury under Vehicle Code Section 20001(a). I struck a pedestrian and left the scene without contacting the police or speaking with the person I stuck. Later the police determined I had committed the crime and contacted me. I was unrepresented and made a full confession. Later, I hired Attorney Will Bruzzo to represent me. Mr. Bruzzo made several appearances in court without me and managed to get the District Attorney to agree to DISMISS the case once I attended a class and gave DNA. I am very happy with this result as I will avoid a conviction and 1 year license suspension. I recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any Hit and Run with injury under Vehicle Code Section 20001(a) matter. Dated: 7/22/19


I was charged with a Hit and Run under Vehicle Code Section 20002(a) when I damaged another vehicle and left the scene without exchanging insurance and identifying information with the other party. The police tracked me down because the people I hit got my license plate number. I admitted to the police that I had just panicked and fled the scene knowing it was wrong to do so. I was very concerned about having this charge on my record. I hired Attorney Will Bruzzo to represent me because I could tell from his website he had a lot of experience with these cases. Mr. Bruzzo went to court without me and was able to make a deal with the District Attorney where the case got dismissed once I completed community service and gave DNA. I never pled guilty or admitted wrongdoing in this matter. I am very happy with this result and I would enthusiastically recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any hit and run or criminal matter. Dated: 3/9/17


I was charged with Hit and Run (Vehicle Code Section 20002(a) when I hit a car in parking lot and left without exchanging information with the other party. I did not want this on my record. I hired Attorney Will Bruzzo to represent me because of his experience with similar cases. The victim did not cooperate to tell us she had been compensated, so Mr. Bruzzo made a deal with the District Attorney whereby if I could show that my insurance company compensated the victim, they would dismiss the case without input form the victim [which is usually required for a civil compromise dismissal]. I was able to get the letter and the case was DISMISSED. I am very grateful to Mr. Bruzzo and would enthusiastically recommend him for any Hit and Run matter. Dated: 10/11/16


I was charged with ‘Hit and Run’ under Vehicle Code Section 20002(a) when I hit a parked car with my vehicle and left the scene. I did not try to exchange information with the other party. They were able to track the damage to me and I was soon charged with the offense and given a court date. I hired Attorney Will Bruzzo to represent me because of his past experience with these matters. It was very important to me to keep my record clean. When Mr. Bruzzo was unable to get anywhere with the District Attorney he spoke to the Judge on my behalf and got the Judge to agree to a Civil Compromise; a Civil Compromise is where the Judge dismisses the case once the victim says they gave been compensated and recommends AGAINST prosecution. Once the Judge gave his permission Mr. Bruzzo negotiated with the victim who initially wanted an exorbitant amount and got him to agree to a reasonable amount of compensation. The victim then signed an agreement wherein he described the amount he received and said that he had been fully compensated and did NOT want me prosecuted. The Judge then DISMISSED the case against me. Notably, the Judge did this OVER THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY’S OBJECTION. I am very happy with this result. I never pled guilty, I never paid any fines to the court and I never suffered a conviction. I would therefore enthusiastically recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any Hit and Run (Vehicle Code Section 20002(a) or criminal matter. Dated: 06/20/16


I was charged with Hit and Run under Vehicle Code Section 20002(a). At the time I was still on probation for a drunk driving offense. I hired attorney Will Bruzzo to represent me because of his prior success with hit and run cases. M. Bruzzo spoke with the victim and got him to agree to accept compensation for damages and for him to tell the court he did NOT want prosecution of me. This is called a civil compromise. [Mr. Bruzzo] also went to the Judge to ask for permission to settle the case though civil compromise. The District Attorney objected to the civil compromise because I was still on probation for my drunk driving [case]. Mr. Bruzzo got the Judge to overrule the District Attorney. After I paid the victim, the Hit and Run Charges were DISMISSED and the Probation Violation was DISMISSED. I am very happy with this result and I would enthusiastically recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any similar Hit and Run or Probation Violation case. Dated: 02/24/16


I was charged with Hit and Run under Vehicle Code Section 20002(a). At the time I was still on probation for a drunk driving offense. I hired attorney Will Bruzzo to represent me because of his prior success with hit and run cases. M. Bruzzo spoke with the victim and got him to agree to accept compensation for damages and for him to tell the court he did NOT want prosecution of me. This is called a civil compromise. [Mr. Bruzzo] also went to the Judge to ask for permission to settle the case though civil compromise. The District Attorney objected to the civil compromise because I was still on probation for my drunk driving [case]. Mr. Bruzzo got the Judge to overrule the District Attorney. After I paid the victim, the Hit and Run Charges were DISMISSED and the Probation Violation was DISMISSED. I am very happy with this result and I would enthusiastically recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any similar Hit and Run or Probation Violation case. Dated: 02/24/16


I was charged with Vehicle Code Section 20002(a) [Hit and Run] when I lost control of my vehicle and hit a sign that belonged to a City. I was very concerned about being convicted for this offense b/c I have a license for my job and that could have been effected. I hired Attorney Will Bruzzo to represent me. Mr. Bruzzo convinced the City to agree to a Civil Compromise once I paid damages. In this way the criminal case was DISMISSED. I am very happy with this result and I would enthusiastically recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any Hit and Run or criminal matter. Dated: 09/08/15


I was charged with Hit and Run (Vehicle Code Section 20002(a)] after having a minor accident and left the scene without exchanging information. I was concerned with the consequences this case could have had for my job. I hired Attorney Will Bruzzo to represent me because of his experience with hit and run cases. Mr. Bruzzo negotiated with the District Attorney. He got the case DISMISSED once I completed community service and gave DNA. I never pled guilty and I never attended a class. I am grateful for Mr. Bruzzo and I would recommend him for any Hit and Run [Vehicle Code Section 20002(a)] case. Dated: 11/21/19


I made a series of unfortunate decisions which caused me to drive while intoxicated. I then had an accident and walked a short distance from the scene of the accident. I was subsequently charged with Drunk Driving (Vehicle Code Sections 23152(a), 23152(b) and Hit and Run (Vehicle Code 20002(a). I initially hired a criminal lawyer I knew, who had been practicing for quite some time. Due to my high blood alcohol level the Drunk Driving charges were going be hard to beat. However, I felt the Hit and Run charge was unjustified and it also carried possible negative repercussions for my career. When my first attorney could not get the Hit and Run dismissed, I looked on the internet and found that Mr. Will Bruzzo had extensive success with these types of charges. I fired my first attorney and hired Mr. Bruzzo. On the first court date Mr. Bruzzo argued my good character and lack of a record and he got the hit and run charge DISMISSED. This was a great relief to me because of the career repercussions. The Orange County District Attorney usually wants Cal Trans when there is a DUI with accident. But Mr. Bruzzo got them to drop that to community service. He also got them to DISMISS one of the Drunk Driving Charges so I ended up only pleading to one of the three charges. A far cry from my original offer. I am very grateful to Mr. Bruzzo and I would recommend him for any Drunk Driving (Vehicle Code Sections 23152(a), 23152(b) and Hit and Run (Vehicle Code 20002(a) matters. Dated: 11/20/19


I was alleged to have committed a Hit and Run [Vehicle Code Section 20002(a)] a misdemeanor offense. Someone told the police that I struck their vehicle and then left the scene and ignored their efforts to get me to stop. I denied hitting anyone and could not recall anyone trying to get me to stop. I was very concerned about this charge because it is a crime of moral turpitude and could be interpreted as me being dishonest which could not be further from the truth. I hired Attorney Will Bruzzo to represent me in this matter. Mr. Bruzzo believed me and went to work trying to get the case dismissed. He showed the District Attorney (DA) that the damages for the other vehicle had been paid by my employer’s insurance. He also showed proof of my good character. But the DA still wanted me to plead guilty. After much discussion with the District Attorney Mr. Bruzzo got them to DISMISS the case once I did community service and gave DNA. I am very happy with this result and I would enthusiastically recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any Hit and Run or criminal matter. Date: 4/18/14


I was charged with Vehicle Code Section 20001(a) [Hit and Run with Injury] when the car I was driving hit a child on a bicycle. While I did stop and inquire of the child’s well-being [I did not call the authorities or his parents] and the authorities criminally charged me. I was very concerned with having this on my record and I hired Attorney Will Bruzzo to represent me. The victim’s parents were not willing to resolve the case in a reasonable fashion and so the matter was set for trial. To make matters worse there was also a witness to the incident not related to the victim who was not good for my defense. Mr. Bruzzo negotiated hard with the prosecutor and finally negotiated a disposition where the matter was DISMISSED once I completed a class, gave DNA and made a charitable contribution. I NEVER PLED GUILTY TO THIS OFFENSE. I am very happy with this result and I would enthusiastically recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any Hit and Run, Vehicle Code Section 20001(a), matter. Dated: 12/3/18


I was involved in a minor car accident but left the scene without exchanging information with the other party and without calling the authorities. The other person got my license plate number and the police contacted me and I admitted to being involved in the accident. I was subsequently charged with Vehicle Code Section 20002(a) - hit and run with property damage and required to appear in court. I hired Attorney Will Bruzzo to represent me. Mr. Bruzzo made almost all the court appearances for me. From the outset Mr. Bruzzo told me that the best chance of getting the case dismissed was to get the other party to agree to a Civil Compromise. A Civil Compromise is a law [Penal Code Sections 1377-1378] which permits dismissal of the case when the victim agrees to recommend dismissal to the court and accepts payment for damages. A Judge can accept a Civil Compromise over the objection of the District Attorney and dismiss the case. That is what occurred in my case. After Mr. Bruzzo got the Judge to accept the Civil Compromise we went about contacting the victim. This proved difficult because the victim would not return telephone calls. In the end, we sent out a private investigator to get the victim to sign a civil compromise agreement. After the victim signed she was directly compensated by me. Mr. Bruzzo took the signed civil compromise to court and the Judge DISMISSED the case. I am very happy with this result as a conviction could have caused me significant difficulty with future employment and immigration issues. I am grateful to Mr. Bruzzo for his experience and tenacity in this matter. He told me he would not stop until the case was dismissed and that’s what happen. As such I would recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any hit and run, Vehicle Code Section 20002(a) matter. Dated: 11/2/18


I was being investigated for hit and run under Vehicle Code 20002(a) as a Misdemeanor. A person claimed that I had struck their vehicle and left without stopping; the person also claimed I had used racist epithets in their direction. I denied all of these allegations. Nonetheless, the individual had my plate number and picked me out of a photographic line up. I received notice from the police they were investigating me and I contacted Attorney Will Bruzzo because I could tell from his on-line reviews he was very experienced in these matters. Mr. Bruzzo told me I was smart NOT to speak to the police and to call him first. Mr. Bruzzo told me that I could hire him to try and resolve the case Pre-filing. Meaning, Mr. Bruzzo would try and resolve the case with the police before the case is sent to the District Attorney’s office and made into a formal charge in the court. Mr. Bruzzo also told me about Civil Compromise which is a way to handle criminal cases involving property loss or damage where the police can forego charging the person if the person pays the victim for his damages and the victim agrees not to prosecute. After I hired Mr. Bruzzo he spoke with the police who in turn spoke with the victim. The victim then spoke to Mr. Bruzzo and agreed to accept an amount of money to pay for their damages with the agreement that they recommend against prosecution. After the formal agreement was signed and the money paid, the police officer closed the case and the matter was NEVER SENT TO THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY’S OFFICE. I have no arrest, no charge and no conviction. I am very happy with this result and although I dispute entirely the allegations against me, the result Mr. Bruzzo got me, spared me a lot of time, money and embarrassment and I am thankful to him. I would recommend him for any hit and run, vehicle code section 20002(a) matter. Dated: 3/14/18


I was being investigated for hit and run under Vehicle Code 20002(a) as a Misdemeanor. A person claimed that I had struck their vehicle and left without stopping; the person also claimed I had used racist epithets in their direction. I denied all of these allegations. Nonetheless, the individual had my plate number and picked me out of a photographic line up. I received notice from the police they were investigating me and I contacted Attorney Will Bruzzo because I could tell from his on-line reviews he was very experienced in these matters. Mr. Bruzzo told me I was smart NOT to speak to the police and to call him first. Mr. Bruzzo told me that I could hire him to try and resolve the case Pre-filing. Meaning, Mr. Bruzzo would try and resolve the case with the police before the case is sent to the District Attorney’s office and made into a formal charge in the court. Mr. Bruzzo also told me about Civil Compromise which is a way to handle criminal cases involving property loss or damage where the police can forego charging the person if the person pays the victim for his damages and the victim agrees not to prosecute. After I hired Mr. Bruzzo he spoke with the police who in turn spoke with the victim. The victim then spoke to Mr. Bruzzo and agreed to accept an amount of money to pay for their damages with the agreement that they recommend against prosecution. After the formal agreement was signed and the money paid, the police officer closed the case and the matter was NEVER SENT TO THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY’S OFFICE. I have no arrest, no charge and no conviction. I am very happy with this result and although I dispute entirely the allegations against me, the result Mr. Bruzzo got me, spared me a lot of time, money and embarrassment and I am thankful to him. I would recommend him for any hit and run, vehicle code section 20002(a) matter. Dated: 3/14/18


I was charged with Felony Vehicle Code Section 20001(a) Hit and Run with Bodily Injury. I was also charged with two misdemeanor counts of Hit and Run [Vehicle Code Section 20002(a)]. This all happen on one night when I had a medication induced hallucinogenic episode and had three accidents and failed to exchange insurance or identifying information with the other parties. I was facing up to three years in prison for this offense. I hired Attorney Will Bruzzo to represent me because of his experience with these types of cases. Mr. Bruzzo worked very hard to get me the best deal possible. In the end he got the felony REDUCED to a misdemeanor and he got the two misdemeanors DISMISSED. I pled to one Misdemeanor offense and paid fines and made a “Donation”. I was never required to do jail. I think Mr. Bruzzo did a good job for me and I am grateful for his representation. Dated: 10/18/16


I was charged with Felony Hit and Run with Injury under vehicle code section 20001(a) for a Hit and Run accident involving three victims. I was looking at up to three years in prison for this offense. I hired Attorney Will Bruzzo to represent me because of his experience and excellent results with past Hit and Run cases. Mr. Bruzzo convinced the Judge to allow the case to be resolved through a civil compromise. The District Attorney was opposed to this disposition and they objected. Mr. Bruzzo then negotiated with the victims and their lawyers and got each one to sign an agreement showing they had been fully compensated and did not desire prosecution. Once these agreements were submitted to the Prosecution and the Court, the charge was reduced to a misdemeanor and DISMISSED. I am very happy with this result as a conviction could have put me in jail or caused me to lose my career. I would therefore enthusiastically recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any Hit and Run matter. Dated: 07/06/16


I was charged with misdemeanor hit and run under Vehicle Code Section 20002(a) when another driver claimed that I hit his car with mine and then refused to give him my insurance information. I was given a court date and required to appear. I hired Attorney Will Bruzzo to represent me on this matter because of his prior successes with similar cases that I could see on-line. Mr. Bruzzo went to court without me and got the Judge to agree to dismiss the case if the victim was agreeable. Mr. Bruzzo was able to get the victim to agree once I paid for his damages. The victim then signed a contract drafted by Mr. Bruzzo where he said he was fully compensated and did not desire that I be prosecuted for this offense. Mr. Bruzzo submitted the contract to the court and the Judge DISMISSED the case by civil compromise over the objection of the District Attorney. I am very grateful for this result and I would enthusiastically recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any hit and run or similar matter. Dated: 01/20/16


I was involved with an auto accident on the Freeway in Orange County and I allegedly left the scene of the accident without exchanging information. As such, I was charged with a violation of Vehicle Code Section 20002(a), a misdemeanor also known as ‘Hit and Run’. In fact, I ran into TWO different people on that occasion within minutes of each other but the District Attorney only charged me with one of the Hit and Runs. A police officer on the scene stated that I admitted to purposefully leaving the scene without exchanging information with the victim, something I do not believe I said. I hired Attorney Will Bruzzo to represent me in this matter because of his experience with these types of cases and his 20 plus years of being a lawyer. Mr. Bruzzo initially negotiated with the District Attorney; when that did not bear fruit he appealed to the Judge to DISMISS the case under a provision called Civil Compromise. This provision permits the Court to dismiss the case IF the victim is agreeable to dismissal. Usually the victim will at a minimum require compensation for their damages resulting from the incident. So after Mr. Bruzzo got the Judge’s permission to go forward with a Civil Compromise he then had to speak to the victim. The victim turned out to be cooperative and signed an agreement drafted by Mr. Bruzzo wherein she recommended against prosecution. Notably she did not request ANY compensation. When Mr. Bruzzo provided the agreement signed by the victim to the court the case against me was DISMISSED. I never admitted guilt, I never suffered a conviction and I was not required to pay any money to the court or the victim. I am very happy with this result as this matter was very stressful to me and I would enthusiastically recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any Hit and Run [Vehicle Code Section 20002(a)] or criminal matter. Dated: 06/15/16


I was involved in a small car accident but left the scene without exchanging information with the other driver. I did not have a license at the time of the accident. The person I hit got my license plate information and reported it. I was then charged with hit and run (Vehicle Code Section 20002(a). I made contact with the person I hit to compensate him for damages and he was willing to resolve the matter. [Its better to hire a lawyer to contact the victim of the accident in case the victim is angry with you and to avoid being charged with tampering with a witness]. However because I had been charged with a crime I still had to go to court to deal with the criminal case. I hired Attorney Will Bruzzo to represent me because of his experience with Hit and Run cases similar to mine. Mr. Bruzzo also made contact with the person I hit and he drafted an agreement which the victim signed indicating he had been compensated and did not desire prosecution. Mr. Bruzzo went to court with the signed agreement and showed it to the District Attorney and the Judge. The District Attorney objected to dismissing the case under a Civil Compromise, so Mr. Bruzzo had to persuade the Judge who did agree to DISMISS the case under a Civil Compromise over the objection of the District Attorney. It was important to me to get the case dismissed because this sort of charge goes to my honesty and I did not want it on my record. I am very grateful to Mr. Bruzzo for his help and I would enthusiastically recommend him for any similar hit and run matter. Dated: 05/13/15


I ran into another vehicle and then fled the scene. However, the people I hit followed me and ended up stopping; I was then charged by the police with Vehicle Code Section 20002(a), Hit and Run, a misdemeanor offense. I was very concerned with having a Hit and Run on my record so I hired Attorney Will Bruzzo to represent me because of his experience with Hit and Run Cases. Mr. Bruzzo got the Prosecutor to agree to dismiss the case if he was able to arrange a Civil Compromise with the victims. [A civil compromise is permitted under Penal Code Sections 1377-1378, and allows certain criminal cases that involve property damage or loss to be handled as a civil debt]. Mr. Bruzzo then got the victim to agree to recommend a dismissal of the case if I paid for their damages. Mr. Bruzzo then had the victim sign a Civil Compromise Agreement form and I paid their damages. The Court then DISMISSED the case against me. I am very happy with this result and I would enthusiastically recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any Hit and Run matter. Dated: 04/07/15


I was charged with Hit and Run (Vehicle Code Section 20002(a)) and driving without insurance (Vehicle Code Section 16028(a)), when I hit another vehicle and left without exchanging information. I hired Attorney Will Bruzzo to represent me on this matter because I could see his experience with these cases by looking at his website. Mr. Bruzzo went to court for me and negotiated with the District Attorney. He also negotiated with the victim [the other driver]. In the end Mr. Bruzzo convinced the victim to agree to sign a document indicating that she did not want prosecution of me because she had been compensated for her damages[As a result the Hit and Run Charge was DISMISSED by the Court]. This is called a civil compromise. Mr. Bruzzo then got the District Attorney to DISMISS the “no insurance” charge when I gave DNA. I am very happy with this result and I would enthusiastically recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any Hit and Run or criminal case. Dated: 12/10/14


The Police came to my home to investigate a hit and run [Vehicle Code Section 20002(a)] where someone claimed I ran into them with my car; I denied any collision but the officer said he found some damage on my vehicle consistent with the accident claimed by the victim and I was issued a citation for Vehicle Code Section 20002(a), Hit and Run. At the time of the incident I was very concerned about having this conviction on my record as it is a crime of moral turpitude and it could have affected my desire to be a lawyer. I hired Attorney Will Bruzzo to represent me because I saw that he had gotten very good results in many other hit and run cases just like mine; Mr. Bruzzo informed me that even a diversion offer from the District Attorney would not be helpful to me because it requires a guilty plea and that guilty plea is as good as a conviction in many instances for those wanting to be professionals like myself. Mr. Bruzzo made contact with the victim to negotiate a civil compromise; the victim was cooperative but wanted to settle with the insurance company instead; later, the victim stopped returning telephone calls and so we were unable to get a civil compromise letter where the victim could put in she did not desire prosecution. Despite not having the civil compromise letter Mr. Bruzzo still managed to get the case DISMISSED without my pleading guilty when I showed that my insurance company had paid the damages and after I gave DNA. I am very happy with this result and I would enthusiastically recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any hit and run, vehicle Code Section 20002(a) matter. Dated: Oct. 23, 2014


I struck another car while traveling on the freeway and left the scene without exchanging information with the other party. Later, the police contacted me and began investigating the matter as a hit and run [Vehicle Code Section 20002(a)]; I made the mistake of admitting to being the driver and leaving the scene in my conversation with the police. After my conversation with them I spoke with Attorney Will Bruzzo. I learned from his website that has been very successful in representing people in these types of cases. I was very concerned with having this matter on my record because I want to go into an occupational field which is highly scrutinized and a conviction or guilty plea in a case like this could really hurt me. After I hired Mr. Bruzzo he made contact with the police and later the victim. Mr. Bruzzo advised me there is a section of the penal code which allows some crimes to be resolved civilly without a guilty plea or a conviction. He was able to make an arrangement wherein I paid for the damages to the victim’s vehicle and the victim signed a form to that effect which also indicated he did not want criminal prosecution. Mr. Bruzzo then showed the signed agreement to the Judge who dismissed the case without me entering a plea or even appearing in court. I am very happy for this result and I would enthusiastically recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any hit and run case or criminal matter. Dated: Sept 19, 2014


I was charged with Hit and Run [Vehicle Code Section 20002(a)] with property damage. I hired attorney Will Bruzzo to represent me on this matter because of his experience with Hit and Run cases. It was very important for me to get this case dismissed for work reasons as I have a security clearance. The evidence against me was extremely weak, something even the [Investigating] Officer admitted when Mr. Bruzzo set up an interview for me with him. Despite that, the District Attorney still refused to dismiss the case. Mr. Bruzzo then spoke with the Judge who AGREED to DISMISS the case under the Civil Compromise law if I paid the Damages and showed proof. [Penal Code Sections 1377-1378] In the end Mr. Bruzzo got the Judge to DISMISS the case over the objection of the District Attorney. I am very happy with this result and I would recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any Hit and Run or criminal case. Dated: 9/03/14


I was involved in a minor traffic accident with another vehicle and left the scene without exchanging information (license, insurance) with the other party; the police soon thereafter contacted me to discuss the situation and I was informed they were investigating me for Hit and Run (Vehicle Code Section 20002(a)). I was very concerned about this because I am studying for a profession which will not tolerate any sort of conviction or charge especially for a crime of this nature. I found Attorney Will Bruzzo on the internet and I spoke to him about the matter. He told me he would try to handle the matter informally with the police BEFORE it got to the District Attorney’s office and became a criminal case. Mr. Bruzzo informed me he had done this many times before and had been successful. I could also see from his many testimonials that he had successfully handled many cases just like mine. Mr. Bruzzo told me not to speak with the police and that he would speak to them for me. Mr. Bruzzo then began negotiating with the police. After a short while he made a deal with the police that once I paid for the other side’s damages the matter would not be pursued. I then made payment and Mr. Bruzzo got the victim to sign a document waiving all rights to pursue me and indicating she did not want criminal prosecution. The police agency also agreed that they would drop the matter and close the case without sending it to the District Attorney’s office. As such, not only was I never convicted of the charge, I was never even charged and I never had to appear in court. I am very happy with this result and I would enthusiastically recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any hit and run or criminal matter. Dated: 08/05/14


I was involved in a minor accident and left the scene without exchanging information with the other party or calling the CHP … I am told this is a violation of Vehicle Code Section 20002(a), Hit and Run. Even before the police contacted me I called Attorney Will Bruzzo because I could tell he had extensive experience with these kinds of cases. Mr. Bruzzo told me NOT to contact the police and that he would take care of that. Mr. Bruzzo then negotiated with the police. In the end Mr. Bruzzo was able to work out a deal where my insurance took care of the damages to the other vehicle and the police agreed NOT TO PURSUE the case and DROP the charges. As such, I was never arrested, never charged with an offense and never had to go to court. I am very grateful to Mr. Bruzzo for this result and I would enthusiastically recommend him for any hit and run or criminal matter. Dated: 07/10/14


I was charged with vehicle code section 20002(a) [Hit and Run] a misdemeanor for leaving the scene of an accident without exchanging information with the other party. I also has three previous convictions for Drunk Driving. In addition in the hit and run case several people said I evaded their attempt to stop me and one complained I smelled of alcohol. I hired attorney Will Bruzzo to represent me because of his experience with Hit and Run cases. Mr. Bruzzo actually started representing me before the charges were filed. He handled discussions with the police and had me remain silent. He then went to court and spoke with the District Attorney and the Judge. Initially both the District Attorney and the Judge were against a Civil Compromise because of my record[this an agreement where criminal charges are dropped if the victim agrees to accept compensation instead of prosecution and the Judge also agrees]. Mr. Bruzzo ultimately persuaded the Judge and brought the victim to court; when the Judge heard that the victim [who Mr. Bruzzo had been speaking with on my behalf] wanted compensation instead of prosecution she went along with the DISMISSAL by civil compromise over the objection of the District Attorney. I am very happy with this result and I would enthusiastically recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any Hit and Run or criminal matter. Dated: 6/20/14


I was involved in a minor accident with another vehicle. I got out of my car and spoke with the other person but when I learned that they were going to call the police I panicked and fled the scene. My case was then sent to the Orange County Sheriff for investigation for hit and run [Vehicle Code Section 20002(a)]. The Sherriff soon contacted me. I then spoke with and hired Attorney Will Bruzzo who told me not to speak to the police. Mr. Bruzzo has successfully represented many people charged with the same crime. Instead Mr. Bruzzo spoke with the Sheriff who gave him the information for the people I hit. A short time later Mr. Bruzzo made an arrangement with the police and the victim that once I paid for the damages that case would be closed. Mr. Bruzzo then had the victim acknowledge payment and express in written form that they did not want prosecution. That agreement was sent to the Sheriff who then CLOSED the case. The matter was never sent to the District Attorney as such I have no arrest, no charge and no conviction on this matter. I am very grateful to Mr. Bruzzo for this result and I would enthusiastically recommend him for any hit and run or criminal matter. Date: 5/21/14


I was involved in a minor traffic collision and left the scene without stopping or exchanging information with the other party. The other driver got my plate number and called police. The police later contacted me and I confessed to driving and leaving the scene of the accident. My attorney later advised me that I should not have spoken to the police at all and should I have had my attorney call them, since it would have made it more difficult for the police to make a case against me without my confession. To make matters worse, the driver of the vehicle I hit informed the police he wanted me prosecuted. I soon received a letter from the District Attorney with a court date for a charge of Hit and Run [Vehicle Code Section 20002(a)] a misdemeanor. I had previously used Mr. William Bruzzo as my lawyer on a previous case and so I hired Mr. Bruzzo to represent me on this matter. Also, it was my understanding that Mr. Bruzzo has managed to get excellent results in other hit and run cases. Mr. Bruzzo appeared in court without me and got the court to agree to a civil compromise. This is where the case gets dismissed if the victim of the crime is agreeable. Mr. Bruzzo then negotiated with the victim and got him to agree to accept compensation for his damages and sign a letter telling the court he was satisfied with the compensation and did not wish prosecution. This is despite the fact that the victim had previously told the police he wanted me prosecuted! Mr. Bruzzo then went to court with the letter signed by the victim and the Judge DISMISSED THE CASE! I never pled guilty and I never had to take a class or give DNA. I am very happy with Mr. Bruzzo who once again got me an excellent result. I was concerned because hit and run is a crime of moral turpitude and can make it difficult to get a job. I would strongly recommend him for any hit and run or criminal case. Date: March 4, 2014


A member of my family was involved in a collision and left the scene without calling the authorities. I was advised that this offense could be charged under Vehicle Code Section 20002(a), Hit and Run. I was very concerned about this and found that Attorney Will Bruzzo had extensive experience with these types of cases. The investigating officer wanted to speak with my family but Mr. Bruzzo intervened and spoke with the officer himself. In addition to speaking with the police Mr. Bruzzo told me he would try and resolve the case without having the matter go to court and without filing charges. My vehicle was insured and Mr. Bruzzo passed this on to the Officer. Within a few weeks the police officer advised Mr. Bruzzo that the case was closed and that no charges would be filed. So, not only did no one from my family have to go to court but the case never even made it to the District Attorney’s Office. Mr. Bruzzo was able to stop the case in its tracks and avoid any charges whatsoever. I am very happy with this result and as such I would enthusiastically recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any Hit and Run or criminal matter. Dated: 1/16/14


I was involved in an accident and left the scene without contact the authorities. Also, three of my passengers experienced injuries and two of my passengers told the police I was driving too fast. Also, I did not have a driver’s license when the accident occurred. I was charged with Vehicle Code Section 20002(a) [Hit and Run]; Vehicle Code Section 23103(b) [Reckless Driving] and Vehicle Code Section 12500 [Driving without a valid license]. A friend of mine had used Attorney Will Bruzzo previously and said he was a good lawyer. Mr. Bruzzo went right to work on my case. He got my three passengers to write a letter for me and he got the Hit and Run DISMISSED through CIVIL COMPROMISE. He then convinced the District Attorney to DISMISS the Reckless Driving charge. I pled guilty to driving without a license as an infraction and paid a fine. [Defendant facing up to 1 year in jail on original charges]. I am very happy with this result and I would enthusiastically recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any Hit and Run [Vehicle Code Section 20002(a)], Reckless Driving [Vehicle Code Section 23103(b)] or other criminal matter. Date: 12/05/13


I was charged with Vehicle Code section 20002(a) [Hit and Run] and Vehicle Code Section 14601.2(a) [Driving on a Suspended License]. These charges arose when I hit another vehicle, caused damage and fled the scene without contacting the police or the owner of the vehicle. When the police caught up with me they discovered that my license was suspended. Also, I had previously been convicted for driving on a suspended license 6 months previously. I was also on probation for three other cases. I hired Attorney Will Bruzzo to represent me because of his experience with these types of cases and his familiarity with the Courts, Judges and District Attorney in Orange County. I was looking at 60 days in Jail initially. However, Mr. Bruzzo was able to negotiate a deal where I paid money on old fines and got my sentenced reduced to 30 days with a recommendation from the judge for home confinement which means I should do NO JAIL TIME. He also persuaded the Prosecutor to DISMISS the hit and run charge, [Vehicle Code Section 20002(a)] even thought they could easily prove it. I am very grateful to Mr. Bruzzo for this result and I would enthusiastically recommend him for any hit and run, suspended license or criminal matter. Date: 9-3-13


I was involved in a minor accident between my vehicle and another vehicle. I panicked and left the scene without leaving a note or calling the CHP. Someone got my license and called the police. Soon thereafter, I received a call from the police investigating me for a violation of the Vehicle Code Section 20002(a) Hit and Run. I immediately called and hired Attorney Will Bruzzo to represent me because of his experience in dealing with similar cases. My personal situation was such that I could not afford to be charged with this offense let alone convicted. Mr. Bruzzo understood my situation and set to work speaking with the police in an effort to persuade them not to file the case with the District Attorney by coming to an agreement with the victim. The police and Mr. Bruzzo agreed that if the victim was satisfied with the arrangement of compensation for his damages they would elect not to pursue the case. This situation is also known as a civil compromise. Mr. Bruzzo then set to work negotiating with the victim; in the end, the victim agreed to accept compensation and sign an agreement indicating he was satisfied with the arrangement. The police then informed us that they would not be pursuing the case and that the matter was closed. This result was an enormous relief to me because my situation was dire if the police charged me. Thanks to Mr. Bruzzo I was never charged, never went to court and maintained a clean record. As such I am very happy with this result and I would enthusiastically recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any Hit and Run or Criminal matter. Date: 6/14/13


I was accused of violating Vehicle Code Section 20002 (Hit and Run) out of the Orange County Superior Court when I failed to exchange information after colliding with another vehicle. The damage was so minor, I did not expect it to even be reported. However, the District Attorney filed misdemeanor criminal charges against me. Attorney William W. Bruzzo made several appearances in court and then negotiated a deal with the District Attorney and the owner of the other vehicle to pay for the minor repairs and then the case was DISMISSED. His actions saved me from up to 6 months in jail and kept me from receiving a misdemeanor conviction. Date:10/16/06


I was charged with vehicle code section 20002(a), Hit and Run. I hired Attorney Will Bruzzo to represent because of his experience with similar cases in Orange County. In my situation the damages were very small. Mr. Bruzzo argued that my lack of a record and minor damages deserved a dismissal. He negotiated with the District Attorney and they agreed to DISMISS the case once I completed community service. I am very grateful for this result and I would enthusiastically recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any Hit and Run case or criminal matter. Date: 06/03/13


I was charged with Vehicle Code Section 20002(a) [Hit and Run]. I was involved in an accident, panicked and fled the scene. The other driver got my license plate and soon the police contacted me. I hired attorney Will Bruzzo to represent me because of his experience with hit and run cases and his familiarity with the courts and District Attorney in Orange County. Mr. Bruzzo spoke to the police for me and later spoke with the District Attorney in Court. I was concerned with the outcome of this case because I was already on probation for an offense and the hit and run could have violated my probation and sent me to jail. So, Mr. Bruzzo negotiated with the Judge for a Civil Compromise. The Judge agreed to this disposition and the case was DISMISSED once I compensated the person I hit for his damages. I am very grateful for this result and I would enthusiastically recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any similar matter. Date: 3/27/13


I was charged with hit and run (Vehicle Code Section 20002(a)) a misdemeanor in Orange County. I left the scene of the accident without exchanging information with the other party or calling the police. I was facing up to 6 months in jail for this offense. I hired Attorney Will Bruzzo to represent me because of his experience with the courts and District Attorney in Orange County and because of his success in other hit and run cases. Mr. Bruzzo made several appearances and fought hard on my case. The end result was that he got the case DISMISSED once I gave DNA. I am very grateful to Mr. Bruzzo and I would enthusiastically recommend him for any criminal matter or hit and run matter. Date: 12/17/12


I was charged with one count of hit and run [Vehicle Code Section 20002(a)] for striking another vehicle with my vehicle and leaving the scene. I faced up to 6 months jail for this offense. The nature of this crime is such that it could have had a serious negative effect on my job. I hired Attorney Will Bruzzo to represent me because of his experience and his successes with these types of cases in Orange County. It was very important that I not plea guilty to this offense … so in the end Mr. Bruzzo negotiated a civil compromise with the District Attorney and victim. This means the case was DISMISSED without me pleading guilty, paying a fine or attending a class. I am very pleased with this result and I would enthusiastically recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any similar criminal or hit and run matter. Date: 10/25/12


A family member was involved in a hit and run (Vehicle Code Section 20002(a)) with my vehicle. The police had sent me a letter asking me to make contact with them but no case had been filed in court yet. I did not want to get the person in trouble but I also did not want to get accused of something I did not do. As such, I hired Attorney Will Bruzzo to represent me in this matter as he has tremendous experience with hit and run type cases. Mr. Bruzzo contacted the police for me and negotiated with them. In a very short period of time the case was DROPPED by the police for lack of evidence without me or my family member admitting any wrongdoing and without having to pay anything to the victim. I am very grateful to Mr. Bruzzo for his ability and his knowledge in this area. I am very happen with this result and I would recommend him for any hit and run or criminal matter. Date: 8/13/12


I was charged with Drunk Driving (Vehicle Code 23152(a) (b), Hit and Run (Vehicle Code Section 20002(a), and Resisting Arrest (Penal Code Section 148(a)). I drove a vehicle while intoxicated, had a minor accident and left the scene without calling authorities. Then I tried to evade the police when they came to talk to me. In addition, I had a prior drunk driving conviction. I hired William W. Bruzzo to represent me because of his familiarity with the District Attorney and the Judges and the Courts in Orange County. Mr. Bruzzo was relentless in his attempts to get me the best deal possible. In the end he got the Hit and Run DISMISSED and the Resisting Arrest DISMISSED. This was very important to me because I wanted to keep my record as clean as possible. I pled guilty to a DUI and received punishment of physical labor. As such I would enthusiastically recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any criminal matter. Date: 4-12-12


I drove intoxicated, had an accident, left the scene [without contacting authorities] and then ran from the police [and resisted them] when they arrived on scene. My blood alcohol level was a .24 [three times the legal limit]. I was charged with Drunk Driving (Vehicle Code Sections 23152(a), (b), Hit and Run (Vehicle Code Section 20002(a) and Resisting Arrest (Penal Code Section 148(a)(1). I hired Attorney William W. Bruzzo to represent me because of his experience with these types of charges. I was concerned with having these charges on my record. Mr. Bruzzo proved to be relentless in trying to get me the best deal possible. In the end, he used his familiarty with the District Attorney to get the resisting arrest (Penal Code Section 148(a)(1)) and the hit and run (Vehicle Code Section 20002(a) both DISMISSED. This kept the most serious crimes off my record. In addition, despite having a .24 blood alcohol level he won my DMV hearing! I am very grateful to Mr. Bruzzo for his efforts and I would enthusiastically recommend him for any criminal matter. Date: 3/28/12


I was charged with one count of hit and run (Vehicle Code Section 20002(a)) for causing more then $5,000.00 in damages then allegedly leaving the scene. I could have faced up to 6 months in jail I hired Attorney William Bruzzo to represent me in this case as I was told he is very familiar with the judges, courts and the district attorneys in Orange County. Mr. Bruzzo spoke with the District Attorney but felt he could get a better deal so he turned to the Judge and in the end negotiated a civil compromise (Penal Code Section 1377) whereby the victim was compensated and the case was DISMISSED. I am truly grateful to Mr. Bruzzo for his representation in this matter as it spared me from going to jail and having a conviction on my record. Also, this case could have been filed as a felony yet remained in the misdemeanor court. As such, I would enthusiastically recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any criminal matter. Date: 12/1/09


I was charged with vehicle code section 20002(a) [Hit and Run] I was driving late at night and hit 6 parked cars causing several thousand dollars in damage. I then left the scene without informing police or the owners of the vehicles. I then hired Attorney Will Bruzzo because of his experience with hit and run cases and his familiarity with the courts, judges and district attorney. Mr. Bruzzo fought hard for me with the result that he got me a deal whereby the case and all the charges will be dismissed if I attend a class, give DNA and provide restitution. I will do no jail and have no conviction under this agreement. As such I enthusiastically recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any criminal or hit and run matter. Date: 02/9/12


I was charged with vehicle code section 20002(a) [Hit and Run] for causing minor damage to another vehicle. I hired Attorney Will Bruzzo to represent me because of his familiarity with these cases and his familiarity with the courts, the judges and the District Attorney. Mr. Bruzzo got the matter DISMISSED after I gave DNA. I did not plea, I have no conviction and paid no fines. I am very happy with this result and I would recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any criminal matter. Date: 02/9/12


I was charged with one count of hit and run (Vehicle Code Section 20002(a)) for hitting another vehicle while driving and not stopping to exchange information. My situation was complicated by the fact that a witness described my driving prior to striking the other vehicle as erratic. In addition, I had been previously convicted twice for driving under the influence of alcohol. My maximum punishment for the hit and run charge could have been up to 6 months in jail. I hired Attorney William W. Bruzzo to represent me because of his familiarity with the courts and district attorneys in Orange County as well as his success with hit and run cases. Mr. Bruzzo was able to negotiate a deal where the case got DISMISSED once I completed a class and entered a plea. As a result, I do not have a conviction for this charge. I am very grateful for Mr. Bruzzo because such a conviction could have hurt my employment situation. I would highly recommend him for any criminal or hit and run matter. Date: 7/21/11


I was charged with one count of hit and run (Vehicle Code Section 20002(a)) for causing more then $3,000.00 in damages then allegedly leaving the scene. I could have faced up to 6 months in jail I hired Attorney William Bruzzo to represent me in this case as I was told he is very familiar with the judges, courts and the district attorneys in Orange County. Mr. Bruzzo negotiated the case with the District Attorney and was able to get the case DISMISSED once he showed that restitution had been paid. I would therefore enthusiastically recommend him for any criminal matter. Date: 3/24/11


I was charged with one count of hit and run (Vehicle Code Section 20002(a)) for causing several thousand dollars in damages then allegedly leaving the scene. I could have faced up to 6 months in jail I hired Attorney William Bruzzo to represent me in this case as I was aware that Mr. Bruzzo has been very effective in representing people on hit and run cases. Mr. Bruzzo spoke with the District Attorney and in the end negotiated a civil compromise (Penal Code Section 1377) whereby the victim agreed he had been compensated and the case was DISMISSED. I am truly grateful to Mr. Bruzzo for his representation in this matter as it spared me from going to jail and having a conviction on my record. Also, this case could have been filed as a felony yet remained in the misdemeanor court. As such, I would enthusiastically recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any hit and run or criminal matter. Date: 1/5/11


I was charged with a violation of penal code section 20001(a) (Hit and Run); I faced up to 6 months in jail for this offense. I hired Attorney William W. Bruzzo to represent me in this matter because of his experience with these sorts of crimes and his familiarity with the courts and District Attorney. My case was complicated because two witnesses claimed I was fleeing the scene of the accident. Despite that, Mr. Bruzzo was able to get the case DISMISSED after I paid a fee. This dismissal had the effect of keeping my record clean. As such I would enthusiastically recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any criminal matter. Date: 11/8/10


I was charged with hit and run (Vehicle Code Section 20002) for striking a vehicle and leaving the scene. I hired Attorney William Bruzzo to represent me in this case as I was told he is very familiar with the courts and the district attorneys in Orange County. In the end Mr. Bruzzo was able to negotiate a disposition where the District Attorney agreed to DISMISS THE CASE after I took a class. I am truly grateful to Mr. Bruzzo for his representation in this matter as it spared me from going to jail and having a conviction on my record as it would greatly affect my teaching career. I would enthusiastically recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any criminal matter. Date: 1/21/10


I was charged with felony hit and run (Vehicle Code Section 20001(a)) and three additional counts of felony reckless driving (Vehicle Code 23105(a). [Maximum Prison time of 5 years] I was alleged to have driven in a reckless manner injuring my four passengers and then left the scene. The District Attorney initially wanted to send me to prison. I hired Attorney William Bruzzo to represent me in this matter as I know he is an excellent attorney who fights for his clients. Mr. Bruzzo fought very hard for me with the result that I got the felony hit and run (Vehicle Code Section 20001(a) DISMISSED; I pled guilty to one count of reckless driving (Vehicle Code Section 23105(a) and I was permitted to do my time on home confinement. This was a very good result and I am very grateful to Mr. Bruzzo. I would enthusiastically recommend him for any criminal matter. Date: 11/13/09


I was charged with hit and run (Vehicle Code Section 20002); I was alleged to have run into another vehicle and left the scene. In addition, a witness said that I was intoxicated. This crime carries a maximum of 6 months in jail. I hired Attorney William Bruzzo to represent me in this case as I was told he is very familiar with the courts and the district attorneys in Orange County. Mr. Bruzzo went to court several times in order to negotiate my case. In the end Mr. Bruzzo was able to negotiate a disposition where the District Attorney agreed to DISMISS THE CASE after I took a class. I am truly grateful to Mr. Bruzzo for his representation in this matter as it spared me from going to jail and having a conviction on my record. I would enthusiastically recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any criminal matter. Date: 9/14/09


I was charged with three counts of hit and run (Vehicle Code Section 20002) for striking three different vehicles and leaving the scene. I hired Attorney William Bruzzo to represent me in this case as I was told he is very familiar with the courts and the district attorneys in Orange County. In the end Mr. Bruzzo was able to negotiate a disposition where the District Attorney agreed to DISMISS THE CASE after I took a class. I am truly grateful to Mr. Bruzzo for his representation in this matter as it spared me from going to jail and having a conviction on my record. I would enthusiastically recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any criminal matter. Date: 8/12/09


A Member of my family was charged with hit and run as a misdemeanor (Vehicle Code Section 20002) which carries a maximum sentence of 6 months in jail and a fine of $1,000.00; he was also charged with reckless driving (Vehicle Code Section 23103) which carries a maximum of 90 days in jail and a $1,000.00 fine. These charges arose when he struck two other cars in traffic and fled the scene. We hired Mr. Bruzzo while the police were still investigating the crime and before the matter went to court. Mr. Bruzzo acted as our liaison with the police and he instructed us that all communication should go through him. When the matter finally went to court Mr. Bruzzo appeared in court without us and began negotiating the matter with the District Attorney. Mr. Bruzzo also began speaking with the victims in the case. In the end Mr. Bruzzo was able to negotiate a disposition wherein the victim(s) accepted a certain amount of money and the District Attorney agreed to DISMISS THE CASE. I am truly grateful to Mr. Bruzzo for his representation in this matter as it spared my family member possible jail time and a conviction. I would enthusiastically recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any criminal matter. Date: 1-13-09


I was charged with a “Hit and Run” misdemeanor offense (Vehicle Code Section 20002), which carries a possible sentence of 6 months in jail and a fine of $1,000.00. I had an accident causing about $2,500.00 in damage to property and then left the scene without reporting the matter or leaving my information with the other driver. I hired the Law Offices of William W. Bruzzo because of his experience in defending people charged with hit and run. After the prosecuting attorney refused to drop the charges against me, my attorney worked with the victim to resolve the case as a civil compromiseand then convinced the court to DISMISS the charges after my attorney got the victim to inform the court that she did not wish for me to be prosecuted. I would highly recommend the Law Offices of William Bruzzo for any hit and run or criminal matter. Date: 4/11/07


I had spent 19 years in the U.S. military when a random traffic stop gave rise to numerous minor infractions to include possession of a medication without prescription, open container, possession of a weapon, driving with alcohol present in blood and later a fraternization charge. These charges were either wildly speculative or minor infractions. However, my Command sought to ADMINISTRATIVELY SEPARATE me for COMMISSION OF A SERIOUS OFFENSE despite multiple deployments, an excellent record and almost 20 years of service. I hired Attorney Will Bruzzo to represent me. Mr. Bruzzo is a former Major USMCR and a former Judge Advocate, and has more then 25 years of experience with courts-martial and Administrative Separation Boards. Mr. Bruzzo proved adept at picking apart the Government’s case and helping put these allegations in perspective given my almost 20 years of stellar service. After about 20 mins of deliberation the Board RETAINED me in service giving me the chance to retire and end my service with honor. I am very grateful for Mr. Bruzzo’s efforts and I would enthusiastically recommend him for an Administrative Board Separation, Commission of a Serious Offense. Dated: 03/30/18


I was charged with hit and run as a misdemeanor (Vehicle Code Section 20002) which carries a maximum sentence of 6 months in jail and a fine of $1,000.00. I had had an accident causing about $3,300.00 in damage to property, then the police alleged I left the scene without reporting the matter or leaving my information. In addition I have a prior criminal record. I hired Attorney William W. Bruzzo because of his experience defending people charged with hit and run. Mr. Bruzzo convinced the court to give me a CIVIL COMPROMISE wherein Mr. Bruzzo spoke with the property owner and managed to get him to agree not to pursue charges in exchange for being fully compensated for his damages. The District Attorney then DISMISSED the case against me. I would highly recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any hit and run or criminal matter. Date: 7/17/06


I was charged with hit and run as a misdemeanor (Vehicle Code Section 20002) which carries a maximum sentence of 6 months in jail and a fine of $1,000.00. I had had an accident causing about $1,200.00 in damage to the other vehicle then left the scene without exchanging information. I hired Attorney William W. Bruzzo because of his experience defending people charged with hit and run. Mr. Bruzzo convinced the court to give me a CIVIL COMPROMISE wherein Mr. Bruzzo spoke with the person I hit and managed to get him to agree not to pursue charges in exchange for being fully compensated for his damages. The District Attorney then DISMISSED the case against me. Notably, I NEVER APPEARED IN COURT as Mr. Bruzzo managed to get the case dismissed without my ever having to appear. I would highly recommend Mr. Bruzzo for any hit and run or criminal matter. Date: 3/27/05


Client Reviews

“I was pulled over for not having license plates on my car. The reason for that was because it was new. When the Officer pulled me over, he claims to have smelled marijuana and he began to ask me questions. I admitted to smoking marijuana earlier in the...


“I was arrested and charged with Penal Code Section 273.5(a) [Domestic Violence with Traumatic Injury]. Unfortunately, some of my actions were caught on video. In addition, an infant was present during the incident. My family hired Attorney Will Bruzzo to...


“I was charged with two counts of Vehicle Code 23109.1 [Engaging in a Speed Contest Causing Specified Injury] as a felony; two counts of Vehicle Code 23105(a) [Reckless Driving Causing Specified Injury], one count of Penal Code Section 368(b)(1) [Elder and...


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