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Sentencing Guidelines Have Racial Result

Law Offices of William W. Bruzzo

Congress is in the process of revising the current policy for sentencing of crack cocaine and powder cocaine crimes. The House of Representatives and Senate each have a bill that targets the discrepancy in sentencing for crack and powder cocaine cases. Explained in an article on Find law, 5 grams of crack has a sentence of 5 years while a hundred times more powder cocaine, 500 grams carries the exact same sentence. The policy employed since the late 1980’s resulted in tougher sentencing for African American males for low level offenses involving crack, while the powder cocaine group, mostly white males with much larger amounts were doing less time. This policy has been pointed out as being outdated, biased and in need of reform. Some also argue that it would have been more efficient to send drug addicts to treatment programs instead of prison. Crack cocaine is the cheaper form used by the poorer population, while powder cocaine goes for a higher price and is used by more affluent drug users. This socio-economic difference served as another point to argue the unjust sentencing practices espoused by the federal government.

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“I was pulled over for not having license plates on my car. The reason for that was because it was new. When the Officer pulled me over, he claims to have smelled marijuana and he began to ask me questions. I admitted to smoking marijuana earlier in the...


“I was arrested and charged with Penal Code Section 273.5(a) [Domestic Violence with Traumatic Injury]. Unfortunately, some of my actions were caught on video. In addition, an infant was present during the incident. My family hired Attorney Will Bruzzo to...


“I was charged with two counts of Vehicle Code 23109.1 [Engaging in a Speed Contest Causing Specified Injury] as a felony; two counts of Vehicle Code 23105(a) [Reckless Driving Causing Specified Injury], one count of Penal Code Section 368(b)(1) [Elder and...


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