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Will Bruzzo’s Blog

Robbers Were Acting Like Cops
Law Offices of William W. Bruzzo

A man and a woman were arrested for committing a string of robberies in Santa Ana while impersonating police officers. Robbers were acting like cops. The individuals suspected are charged with robbing nearly $2,000 from five victims during four separate incidents in one month. Police are still looking for the third suspect. During the robberies,…

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Advice for the Long Term AWOL (Deserter) Military Service Members
Law Offices of William W. Bruzzo

Having practiced military and civilian criminal law for 25 years I am well acquainted with individuals who spend years looking over their shoulder because they have warrants for their arrest. A warrant for an Away without Leave (AWOL) matter can have a devastating impact on a person’s life, even if the person is never arrested…

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Army Investigator Says Bergdahl Should Not Be Incarcerated
Law Offices of William W. Bruzzo

Sgt Bowe Bergdahl could face court martial for the crime of Desertion for leaving his post in June 2009. At that time he was a private first class at Forward Operating Post Mest in eastern Afghanistan. Mest, a small base surrounded by Taliban fighters, had been established and maintained by the platoon he was in.…

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Former LAPD Officer Arrested on Murder Charges
Law Offices of William W. Bruzzo

On Friday July 17, Henry Solis, a former Los Angeles police officer plead not guilty to charges of murder and assault with a firearm. The charges are from an incident on March 13 outside a bar in Pomona. Allegedly Solis shot Salome Rodrigues Jr. multiple times after a fight they had inside the club. Rodrigues…

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How Will Proposition 47 Apply to Juvenile Cases?
Law Offices of William W. Bruzzo

In San Diego County a judge has granted a juvenile the same adjustments to his charges and sentence under proposition 47 that adults receive. Proposition 47 permits certain cases like Possession of a Controlled Substance and Theft Offenses to be reduced to Misdemeanors because the law now recognizes all Possession offenses and most Theft offenses…

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Changes in the Law Make It Easier Than Ever to Get a Domestic Violence Case Dismissed
Law Offices of William W. Bruzzo

Previously, if a victim of a Domestic Violence case refused to testify against their spouse they could be arrested, held in contempt and incarcerated. Although this almost never happen the threat of it was enough to cause spouses who might not otherwise have testified to testify. Then the California legislature passed California Civil Procedure (CCP)…

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Mexican Drug Kingpin El Chapo Escapes Through Tunnel Under Prison
Law Offices of William W. Bruzzo

Mexican Sinaloa cartel leader Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman escaped from the Altiplano Maximum Security Federal Prison over the weekend. The prison was designed to house high profile criminals and had been reviewed by international agencies in order to verify that the facility could securely hold the drug lord. He had been constantly monitored by video…

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Military Discharge Without Board Hearing
Law Offices of William W. Bruzzo

If you are being separated from any of the military branches for positive urinalysis, a pattern of misconduct or commission of a serious offense you are not entitled to an Administrative Separation Board UNLESS you have been in the military for at least 6 years. As such, the Command can decline to prosecute in a…

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California Law Will Authorize Videotaping of Police by Civilians
Law Offices of William W. Bruzzo

The California Assembly has just passed a law authorizing civilians to film police in public while police are arresting someone or otherwise working. The bill (SB 411) heads to Governor Jerry Brown’s desk where he is expected to sign it. While there was no law prohibiting videotaping of police arresting people, the California legislature wanted…

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Will Bruzzo’s Client Found NOT GUILTY of Sexual Battery in Orange County College Brawl
Law Offices of William W. Bruzzo

Orange County Criminal Defense Attorney Will Bruzzo successfully defended an Orange County college student accused of Felony Assault with Force Likely to Cause Great Bodily Injury (Penal Code Section 245(a)(4)) and Misdemeanor Sexual Battery (Penal Code Section 243.4 (e)(1)). If convicted the Defendant was facing lifetime sex registration under Penal Code Section 290 for the…

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Client Reviews

“I was pulled over for not having license plates on my car. The reason for that was because it was new. When the Officer pulled me over, he claims to have smelled marijuana and he began to ask me questions. I admitted to smoking marijuana earlier in the...


“I was arrested and charged with Penal Code Section 273.5(a) [Domestic Violence with Traumatic Injury]. Unfortunately, some of my actions were caught on video. In addition, an infant was present during the incident. My family hired Attorney Will Bruzzo to...


“I was charged with two counts of Vehicle Code 23109.1 [Engaging in a Speed Contest Causing Specified Injury] as a felony; two counts of Vehicle Code 23105(a) [Reckless Driving Causing Specified Injury], one count of Penal Code Section 368(b)(1) [Elder and...


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