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How Manslaughter Differs From First and Second Degree Murder in California
Law Offices of William W. Bruzzo

One of the most confusing areas of criminal law is the area of murder versus manslaughter. Both murder and manslaughter involve the Defendant willfully killing another person. Notably, self defense is a defense to murder and manslaughter. First degree murder is the classic fact scenario where the Defendant plans to kill someone and executes on that plan.…

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Supreme Court Says It Is Constitutional to take DNA from Felony Arrestees
Law Offices of William W. Bruzzo

The US Supreme Court held that taking DNA from those arrested for “serious” offenses is constitutional and is in the same vein as taking fingerprints and photos of arrestees. In Maryland v. King, the Defendant was arrested on a felony and a DNA swab of his mouth revealed he was the previously unknown assailant in a…

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U.S. Supreme Court Says: No Forced Blood Draw in Drunk Driving Case Without Warrant
Law Offices of William W. Bruzzo

On April 18, 2013, the United States Supreme Court made a ruling that directly affects Drunk Driving Cases in California and across the country. The Supreme Court case is Missouri v. Mcneely, 2013 DJDAR 4918. Previous to this court ruling it was generally held that if a driver suspected of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol…

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An Overview: Minors and the Criminal Justice System
Law Offices of William W. Bruzzo

Whenever a person who is 17 or younger is arrested for a criminal offense the case is referred to the Juvenile Justice system in the county where the crime occurred. Criminal cases in the Juvenile system are treated very differently then adult cases. Whereas the authorities tend to concentrate on punishment for adult offenders, the emphasis in…

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Sentencing Reopened for Max Factor Heir
Law Offices of William W. Bruzzo

Andrew Luster is the great-grandson of cosmetics magnate, Max Factor. Luster was accused of plying three women with the rape drug GBH and then raping them and videotaping the act. He bailed out at 1 million dollars and fled to Mexico. In a situation made for Hollywood the bounty hunter and reality TV star Duane “Dog” Chapman captured him…

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Speedy Trial Rights: 48 Hour Rule for California Suspects in Custody
Law Offices of William W. Bruzzo

Under the Constitution of the United States and the California State Constitution everyone has a right to a ‘Speedy Trial’. This means that once you are charged and/or in custody they must give you a trial within a reasonable time frame. The specific amounts of time are left to the states. In a California misdemeanor case you…

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More DUI Checkpoints In Fullerton
Law Offices of William W. Bruzzo

Downtown Fullerton, California, will be getting more of a police presence in an effort to combat drunk driving according to the Orange County Register. There will be more officers and operations placed in the area in order to check drivers for alcohol consumption. The police department received two grants from the State Office of Traffic Safety. One grant…

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The DNA for Dismissal of Criminal Charges Program in Orange County
Law Offices of William W. Bruzzo

The Orange County District Attorney has been resolving criminal cases by having the Defendant give their DNA in exchange for dismissals of usually minor cases. This program in Orange County has only been in effect for the last couple of years and had generally been very beneficial to Orange County Defendants facing minor criminal charges…

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How to Get a Restraining Order in California
Law Offices of William W. Bruzzo

There are two sources in California law for Restraining Orders: Family Code Section 6203 and Code of Civil Procedure 527.6. The family code section pertains to Restraining Orders between family members, and is generally used by husbands and wives against each other as well as people involved in a dating relationship; the Civil Procedure Code allows…

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BB Guns Considered Deadly Weapons in California
Law Offices of William W. Bruzzo

A California Court has found that BB Guns, that is air powered guns that shoot ball bearing type projectiles or pellets, may be considered deadly weapons under Penal Code Section 245(a) (1) [Assault with a Deadly Weapon]. Previously, the conventional wisdom was that BB guns were not thought of as equal to firearms, but this holding…

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Client Reviews

“I was pulled over for not having license plates on my car. The reason for that was because it was new. When the Officer pulled me over, he claims to have smelled marijuana and he began to ask me questions. I admitted to smoking marijuana earlier in the...


“I was arrested and charged with Penal Code Section 273.5(a) [Domestic Violence with Traumatic Injury]. Unfortunately, some of my actions were caught on video. In addition, an infant was present during the incident. My family hired Attorney Will Bruzzo to...


“I was charged with two counts of Vehicle Code 23109.1 [Engaging in a Speed Contest Causing Specified Injury] as a felony; two counts of Vehicle Code 23105(a) [Reckless Driving Causing Specified Injury], one count of Penal Code Section 368(b)(1) [Elder and...


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