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Will Bruzzo’s Blog

The Rights of Individuals in Police Custody in Orange County
Law Offices of William W. Bruzzo

Being arrested and taken into police custody can be a jarring experience, especially if this is your first interaction with the criminal justice system. Once you’ve been placed under arrest by law enforcement, specific procedures need to be followed by the police officer who is arresting you. When your constitutional rights are violated, your attorney…

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What to Expect at Criminal Court Hearings in Orange County
Law Offices of William W. Bruzzo

If you have never been to court before, it can seem pretty daunting and making etiquette mistakes is easy. These concerns are completely natural to feel. On top of that, the legal process itself is complex and intimidating, but you don’t have to go it alone. Having a trustworthy, caring, and professional Orange County criminal…

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Pre-Trial Diversion Programs: Qualifying and Benefits
Law Offices of William W. Bruzzo

According to the New York Law Journal, “Various studies of federal diversion programs, from 2011 to 2023, reflect that, by and large, participants in pretrial diversion programs have lower recidivism rates compared to comparable non-participants—and save a lot of money in the process. For example, a 2011 study of a drug treatment pre-trial diversion program…

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The Impact of Witness Testimony in Criminal Defense
Law Offices of William W. Bruzzo

Plainly speaking, the accuracy and credibility of witness testimony can determine the outcome of a case. Eyewitness testimony is not always reliable and can be subject to human interpretation, which can go unchecked with a less than meticulous lawyer. The right Orange County criminal defense lawyer will provide high-level legal guidance and advice and have…

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Vehicle Code Violations: Beyond Traffic Tickets
Law Offices of William W. Bruzzo

California vehicle code violations can extend beyond just receiving a traffic ticket. At the Law Office of William Bruzzo, we do represent people in court for any and all types of vehicle violations. Here is an overview of some common California vehicle code violations our Orange County criminal defense lawyer has assisted with. If you…

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Understanding Self-Defense Claims in Criminal Cases
Law Offices of William W. Bruzzo

Self-defense claims can arise in a variety of criminal matters, such as assault or homicide cases, where the accused individual alleges that their actions were necessary to protect themselves from harm. However, the legal intricacies and proving a self-defense claim can be challenging. Just ask Erik and Lyle Menendez. In 1989, Lyle and Erik Menendez…

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Digital Privacy Rights and Criminal Defense in the 21st Century
Law Offices of William W. Bruzzo

During the investigation and subsequent trials of the January 6th Capitol riots, prosecutors heavily relied on social media posts made by the rioters themselves. The content shared on platforms such as Facebook, Tik Tok, Twitter, and Instagram provided crucial evidence of individuals’ involvement in the rioting and their intentions. Roughly 700 people were convicted of…

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Client Reviews

“I was pulled over for not having license plates on my car. The reason for that was because it was new. When the Officer pulled me over, he claims to have smelled marijuana and he began to ask me questions. I admitted to smoking marijuana earlier in the...


“I was arrested and charged with Penal Code Section 273.5(a) [Domestic Violence with Traumatic Injury]. Unfortunately, some of my actions were caught on video. In addition, an infant was present during the incident. My family hired Attorney Will Bruzzo to...


“I was charged with two counts of Vehicle Code 23109.1 [Engaging in a Speed Contest Causing Specified Injury] as a felony; two counts of Vehicle Code 23105(a) [Reckless Driving Causing Specified Injury], one count of Penal Code Section 368(b)(1) [Elder and...


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