Safeguarding Seniors: Understanding Restraining Orders in California – A Bruzzo Law Perspective

Law Offices of William W. Bruzzo

Bruzzo Law is dedicated to serving the legal needs of individuals in California, and our commitment extends to protecting the rights of elders and dependent adults. Elder abuse is a grave concern, and the legal system provides mechanisms to address and prevent such abuse. In this blog post, we will delve into the importance of restraining orders for elders or dependent adults, shedding light on the legal avenues available to safeguard vulnerable individuals. 

At Bruzzo Law, our California elder abuse restraining order attorney stands firm in our mission to advocate for the protection of elders and dependent adults in California.

Restraining Orders as Protection Against Elder Abuse

Elder abuse is a distressing reality that requires vigilant legal intervention. William Bruzzo understands the unique challenges that seniors and dependent adults face when subjected to abuse, and we are here to provide unwavering support. Restraining orders play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and well-being of elderly or dependent adult victims. These legal tools can help establish a protective barrier against further harm, offering a sense of security to those in need.

As a seasoned legal professional, William Bruzzo is well-versed in the complexities of elder abuse cases. We recognize that each situation is unique, and our approach is tailored to the specific circumstances of our clients. Whether the abuse is physical, emotional, or financial, obtaining a restraining order can be a pivotal step in breaking free from an abusive situation. Our legal team is dedicated to guiding clients through the process of seeking a restraining order, providing the necessary expertise and compassionate support.

Steps Towards a Restraining Order

To obtain a restraining order in California for elder abuse, the following steps are required: 

  1. Prior to any restraining order being filed, elder abuse has to occur. Abuse has to occur under the legal definition, which can be different from what people may understand as abuse. Elder abuse can include physical, emotional, or financial harm. 
  2. The party asking for the restraining order submits a “Temporary Restraining Order” request through their attorney. This Order includes a statement from the party detailing why they need the Restraining Order. The documents will be filed with the Court Clerk. 
  3. The Judge makes a decision based on the request for the Temporary Restraining Order and generally makes the decision without consulting the party against whom the Order is being requested. 
  4. In cases where the Order is granted, a hearing is held within 21-25 days where both sides may put on witnesses and present evidence regarding the Restraining Order. At this hearing, the Order will either be extended (for up to three years) or terminated. 

Schedule a Consultation Today 

In conclusion, Bruzzo Law stands as a beacon of support for individuals facing elder abuse or seeking to protect dependent adults from harm. Our commitment to justice extends to advocating for the rights of seniors and dependent adults through legal means. If you or a loved one is grappling with elder abuse, do not hesitate to reach out to our Newport Beach Elder Abuse and Dependent Adult Restraining Order attorneys for experienced and compassionate legal representation. William Bruzzo is here to be your advocate in the pursuit of justice and protection for elders and dependent adults in the state.

Client Reviews

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